A black and white head shot of Mathias Cormann, who is smiling and wearing a dark jacket, shirt and tie.

Senator the Hon Mathias Cormann

Minister for Finance

18 September 2013 to 30 October 2020

Armadale Road Duplication


The Hon. Tony Abbott MP
Prime Minister

Senator the Hon. Mathias Cormann
Minister for Finance

The Hon. Dean Nalder MLA
WA Minister for Transport

Mr Andrew Hastie
Liberal Candidate for Canning


The Commonwealth Government will provide $116 million for the Armadale Road duplication between Anstey Road and Tapper Road. 

The project will improve safety and ease traffic congestion on one of the main east-west links within the Perth metropolitan transport network.

Traffic on Armadale Road has increased significantly in recent years and is forecast to increase by a further five per cent annually due to ongoing residential and commercial development in the region.

This section of Armadale Road has a crash rate considerably higher than the Western Australian average. This commitment will significantly improve safety on this stretch of road.

Armadale Road links the two southern public transport corridors and provides access to other major arterial roads—Kwinana Freeway, the Tonkin, South West and Albany highways.

Up to 27,500 vehicles use the section of road every day and the growing traffic congestion was a concern to the Cities of Cockburn and Armadale.

Cockburn Central is a regional transport corridor and activity hub, close to the Kwinana Freeway and major arterial roads including Armadale Road and Beeliar Drive.

The project will also involve upgrading the seven kilometre stretch of road to a four-lane dual carriageway.

Upgrades will be made to the Nicholson Road and Fraser Road intersections and a Principal Shared Path on the northern side of Armadale Road.

The Commonwealth Government has committed $116 million to this $145 million project, with the remaining $29 million to be provided by the Western Australian Government.